Cloud Wellness
A. Marshaun Harris ISSA Certified Personal Trainer


Ok This page is dedicated to giving you some free basic information to assist you in your journey.

1. You can lose  weight without working out, but you must change your diet to do so. Understand that losing weight and getting in shape are different (they are relative to each other but different) , to get in shape some exercise is required. 


2. Everyone has different goals , with that being said your Fitness experience will reflect your goals.


3. Consumption - (this is a big one) What you consume/eat will play a large role in your fitness journey. What you eat will also play a part in muscle recovery , eating the proper foods to give your body nutrients is ideal for recovery.


4. Technique- Proper form is necessary when working out for two reasons : 1st it helps you maximize gains and 2nd it reduces the risk of injury.


5. Lastly Don't Ego Train- meaning don't let your ego dictate your workout . 

If doing a particular exercise is to difficult to do correctly try an easier version of that exercise then work towards your goal for example if doing a push up is to hard try an assisted version of that exercise and progress to a push up(unassisted); or if doing a weighted squat and you are lacking range of motion practice body weight squats and gradually add weight (this is a form of progressive overload).


***Always remember HOW YOU LIFT IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT THAN HOW MUCH YOU LIFT. You will gain strength be patient and do things properly. Consistency is key. Be well.